Wednesday, October 16, 2013

African Library Project

Part of Arts Camp 2013 this year was the Africa library project. We had the kids bring in and donate tones of children's  books. We sorted and packed 1,996 children's books in 25 boxes to send over!!!! It is incredible what kids can accomplish! God is so good!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Beach Camping

The first weekend of October my family went camping at Dylan's Beach.

It is one of my most favorite beaches! The weather was just perfect! We were celebrating my brothers birthday while we were there. We had a awesome dinner of campfire baked potatoes and hamburgers and s'mores and brownies for desert!!!! 

And of course the doggies came and had a fantastic time! 

 The best part for me was being able to spend some good quality quiet time with God each morning. The beach was quiet and so peaceful. 

It was so fun to see Hansel experience the ocean for the first time. The second night we were there we ventured onto the beach to look at the amazing stars. You could see everything! The milkey way was so bright and it went on for ever. If you looked long enough it felt like you could fall into the stars! It was so incredible. As we were walking back to camp I realized my glasses fell out of my pocket on the beach some ware. We looked with flash lights for a half an hour and finally gave up. The next morning I went out there early and praying God would lead me to them I went out on the beach. In less than 5 min I saw this... 

Praise be to God for answering my prayers!!! He is so Good!!!! 
It was such a fantastic trip to celebrate Drew turning 22 and Hansel turning 1! I love my guys!