Saturday, October 4, 2014

I Live in a Castle!!!

I made it to England! I navigated the crazyness of all my flights and plans getting tossed in the rubbish bin. Then traveling through London on the Tube and through the city with my heavy luggage to get to the coach station. I only had a minor meltdown at the coach station mostly due to not sleeping for almost 3 days  and being completely exhausted! Once loaded on the coach I was finally able to rest and breathe because I was on my way to my new home! 6 hours later and some sleep on the coach we came to Capernwray!
(photo description- A rectangular castle with 2 sets of massive walls of windows with old stone designs shaping them. The castle has stone stairs in front of it with green lawn all around it and beautiful gardens with many colors of flowers lining the paths. The sky is a beautiful sunset illuminating the castle)
(photo description- Old stone wall wit a ivy covered wood sign reading Capernwray Hall)

The castle is absolutely gorgeous! There are 2 parts to it. There is the courtyard area and then the main house section. My room is off the courtyard and I have 4 other wonderful roommates. The court yard is a big open square with rooms all around and a big old green door on one end with a clock tower. On the other end is the main house.  The main house has the Tower, the Lounge, the Reading Room, The Quiet room and my favorite the Library!!! It has a big heavy wooden door and lots of little old tables and chairs under massive walls of windows that look out over the English country side! It is the lower set of windows on the left side of the castle in the picture. It smells of old book and there are shelves of all kinds of books all around. When I walk in here I feel at home and I instantly relax! In the main house there are also lots of other things like other bedrooms, laundry and the office which I work in a few times a week as part of my duties here. I absolutely love working in the office! It brings me so much Joy to help out in a familiar environment. 
(photo description- Castle tower standing against bright blue sky and red leaves covering one wall of of the castle next to the tower.)
(Photo description- The front doors of the castle looking out to green fields and trees in the sunshine)

Out side the Castle are the other 2 buildings, the Dining hall and the Conference hall ware we have all our lectures and sermons. There are also the grounds! Oh they are so beautiful! They are pristine green with beautiful flower beds lining everything that are bursting with colored flowers!There are stone steps set in the green grass going from level to level and stone walls lining the grounds. As you look out past the grounds you see rolling hills with small groves of oak trees and other deciduous trees extending for ever that are dotted with white sheep and the occasional cow. Surprisingly the sun has come out each day making the clouds beautiful and the grounds and land so much more amazing!
(Photo description- Front view of the castle displaying the tower and front door and green fields in front.)
(Photo Description- view from the castle of green rolling hill and oak trees with blue sky and white puffy clouds with the castle shadow on the ground.)

On the land there is a trail called the loop that goes from the castle down through the fields to the road and back up to the castle. It is 1.5 miles and I try and walk it twice a day! There is a adorable pond on the trail that has 2 swans in it and benches around it. I have already spent several hours there journaling and reading my bible.  If it is not raining this is my favorite spot! All around the castle grounds there are benches that over look the beautiful classic English country side. God has already captivated my heart many time so that the only think I can do is marvel at his creation and praise Him in thankfulness. On Monday afternoon I was sitting on the grounds in the sun and I read Genesis 1:1. As I looked up I was struck with how amazing this creation is! God is going to do an amazing work in me while I am here. 
(photo description- Me sitting in front of a fence with green fields behind me)
(photo description- The pond with sheep fields behind it with blue sky and white puffy clouds)
(photo description- green field with sheep and a tree on the hill with blue sky and white puffy clouds.)

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for and proud of you in this! I pray that God continues to draw you closer to Him!
