Thursday, April 24, 2014

Good Bye Hansel

On December 15th, 2013 I had to bring Hansel back to Guide Dog for the Blind Headquarters in San Rafael California. I had him for almost a full year from the time he was a tiny puppy until he was a poised confident dog ready for his next adventure. It was so hard to leave him but I knew he was going to do great! He was more interested in the new toys that hung from the ceiling than saying goodbye to me. That night was so hard! I could feel an empty void in the back of my car as I drove home. I collapsed in tears because I missed him so much! He had become my best friend over the last year and will always have a special place in my heart.

While he was there I got to watch his progress on the phase report that came out every Thursday. I was so worried about him passing medical checks but he flew through them no problem! Once he was in a class he wasted no time in learning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8! A phase each week! I got the letter that he was in class and then graduating on April 5th 2014. I found out that he got paired with a man named Dan who lives in Canada. WOW a fingerprint of God right there. When I brought Hansel home I put him on the bed so my dad (DAN) could see him. My dad loved it! Shortly after that he passed away. Now Hansel is paired with Dan. They are a perfect match. Hansel walks super fast in his harness and Dan loves it. Dan loves that Hansel is a lap dog and cuddles with him every night. I am so proud of my Little Man and how well he has done. I am so happy that he is with Dan and how much Dan loves him. Even though it is hard to let him go I know that my little puppy is changing Dan’s life every day!
Congratulations Hansel & Dan!!!

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