Friday, November 18, 2011

Comparing Between Siblings

Siblings are the greatest thing ever! I have one younger brother, Drew, who means the world to me and I have no idea what I would do with out him. Because he is my brother we are required to love each other (not like, love) always no mater what and we have been bonded to each other since the day he was born and for the rest of our days. Although despite the responsibilities I have to my brother just because he is my brother, loving him and liking him is very easy. I can always go to him for love and support in any situation and he can always come to me. Over the years our relationship has had its ups and downs but over all it has been fantastic and we are never mad at each other for very long. As we have gotten older we have gotten closer and our relationship is stronger now than it has ever been. We know each other so well now that if one of us is upset about something we usually know what the real reason is with out even saying it. We also know how to push each others buttons like we are working the microwave. Annoying your siblings is part of the job description I think. Drew is growing up to be an amazing man of God and I am so Proud of him!

But no mater how proud I am, or how much I have loved him or liked him throughout the years I am always comparing everything to him. Most of the time it is absoutly ridiculous. Like: Mom loves you more, Dad loves you more, you got more ___ for you birthday/Christmas then I did, etc... totally lies and absoutly ridiculous. But sometimes I get really jealous and then ultimately get really upset over it. I don't know why I do this and I wish I didn't. I am working on recognizing when I am and letting it go with out it affecting me.

Recently I have been comparing my relationship with God to Drew relationship with God. I have been getting jealous of how much Drew is growing in his walk with God and how close they are getting. I haven't expressed this to many people but I look at my life and then his and I see so many things God is doing in his life I feel like I am not moving at all. It hasn't been bothering me too much but every time I am reminded of it I get disheartened.

Well last week I realized that I have no reason at all to be jealous over Drew! First of all it is completely ridiculous and I shouldn't be comparing at all especially Drew's relationship with God! Second, I realized is that God has a different calling on Drew's life than he has on mine. This means that God will work in Drew differently than he will mine to prepare him for his calling. This is reflective of every other aspect of our lives. The reason I compare and get jealous over everything else is because I am only looking at the here and now not the past and future aka big picture. Every time I feel like comparing my self to Drew (or any one else) I am going to stop and take a step back and look at everything God has done in my life and where Drew is going and where I am going. I have no reason to compare my life to anyone else's.

I love him so much and I am learning that God has a special plan that is unique to me and my life. If anything Drew inspires me to get closer to God, to maintain a level head, to be fun and silly, to be true to your self always, and to fallow your heart.

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